STP have developed several core services to aid in the growth and administration of your family office.

Portfolio consolidation can be achieved through our amalgamated online platform. As well as any solutions you’ve purchased directly through us, our tech-first platform can also be linked to all your other data feeds, allowing you to keep track of your entire portfolio.

STP also offer access to our fully customisable, real-time online reporting systems. We can consolidate all your holdings into one report that can be linked to multiple data feeds and is accessible 24/7 through our online client portal. Use of the platform can be granted to numerous users, across multiple devices, with different levels of access available.

At STP, we pride ourselves on our client relationship management. Each of our clients is provided with a dedicated relationship manager from our senior support team, providing you with one dedicated point of contact for all enquiries.

STP can also offer your family office a variety of auxiliary expert services.

By outsourcing specific functionalities to a regulated entity located in a reputable jurisdiction, clients can rest assured that the latest tools and rigorous techniques for managing security risks are being employed in a safe and efficient manner, while also maintaining cost-effectiveness. STP's cutting-edge technology platform ensures optimal performance, flexibility, and seamless execution, all accessible through a single interface.